The application deadline for the Leasehold Exemption is July 1, 2024. All other exemptions are due Dec."Until April 29, homeowners can visit our website or office locations to apply for exemptions. To Apply: All applications must be submitted online through the Smartfile E-Filing Portal. There is no annual renewal for this exemption. Most homeowners are eligible for this exemption if they own and occupy their property as their principal place of residence. The 2024 Homestead Exemption Renewal Forms will be mailed Tuesday February 6 th. As of January 1, 2018, the Senior Citizens Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption (SCAFHE) QUALIICATIONS HAVE CHANGES. The deadline for homeowners to apply for current property tax exemptions (tax year 2021) is Friday, August 26, 2022. To qualify, you must be 65 on January 1st of the applicable tax year.