Upon reading the Notice of Motion and all papers in support and opposition thereto, the motion for a change of venue is granted, and it is further,. I was wondering if you know the exact process for filing a motion for change of venue in a case that has been closed.A motion for a change of venue is a legal request for a party to transfer the case from one location to another. To move your case to another court, you must make a "Motion to. There is no filing fee for this petition. 7. Courts may order a venue change pursuant to a common-law doctrine called "Forum non conveniens" (Latin derivative of "forum not agreeing"). A motion for a change of venue is a legal request for a party to transfer the case from one location to another. There is no filing fee for this petition. 7. (Id.) An action brought in the wrong county requires a venue change as a matter of right. There are no specific court-approved motions to change venue.