Any opposing party intending to file a cross-motion must send a "similar motion notice letter" to the Court and counsel. The court has placed the most commonly used forms on line as a resource.Please be advised that the forms detailed below are intended to be a guide. A motion for a change of venue is a legal request for a party to transfer the case from one location to another. Your Motion to Change Venue package should include: 1. To move your case to another court, you must make a "Motion to. ❖ The Order for Change of Venue in this packet requires the other party to pay all costs of moving the case to the new county. If you feel this is not. ) File No. A__ __ __-__ __ __-__ __ __. Welcome to the Apollo Theater and join us to celebrate 90 years of music, art and theater at the Soul of American Culture on 125th Street of Harlem, NYC.