Contact the Registrar-Recorder's office where the property is located for fees and filing addresses. In Los Angeles County call (800) 201-8999, option 2.Homeowners should contact their county assessment office (position 48) for a copy of their county's homestead and farmstead application form. You must own the property and live in it as your primary residence to qualify. To claim the exemption, the homeowner must make a one-time filing with the county assessor where the property is located. A paper application with your name on it. Write "Tangled Title" at the top of the application. This Video Shows you How to Complete an Application for Homestead Exemption. To formally declare a homestead exemption in Los Angeles, you can obtain the necessary forms from your county recorder's office or website. As of January 1, 2021, the California homestead exemption is a minimum of 300,000 dollars, but can be as high as 600,000 dollars.