Most Maryland family law court forms are in this index. Use this form to request to change your address on record with the court in the District Court where your case is scheduled or will be heard.To move your case to another court, you must make a "Motion to. Your Motion to Change Venue package should include: 1. How would you write your letter to a judge in family court regarding why you want a modification done in your case? These tools help you identify, select, and print the forms you need to file or respond to a Maryland court case. Is there form to change a venue in MD for custody? I want to move the location from annex arundel to charles. One of the parents must request that the court change the child support order, using a written "motion" a formal request to the court. If you are applying for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) you can complete all the form and give it to us now.