Check List – Fill out the Homestead Declaration Form completely, sign it and have it notarized. Complete a Homestead Declaration to protect your primary residence against certain creditors and liens with added benefits for those 62 and older.Taxpayers should use these forms and guides to apply for local tax abatements and exemptions and file property returns. To download an application, search for and find your property using the Assessing Online tool, then click the "Details" link. To be considered for the exemption, the application process requires eligible applicants to complete the. Residential Exemption Application AND. 1DDownload the application for Exemption (PDF). Requirements. Own and occupy the property as of July 1 of the tax year. Exemptions are granted for one year only and an application must be filed to receive the exemption each year. The filing of the exemption application does not stay the collection of the tax, which should be paid as assessed.