The Property Appraiser mails Homestead Exemption application forms and qualification guidelines to persons who bought homes during the current year. Were you or your dependent(s) living in the dwelling on January 1?• Do you claim residency in another county or state? If you have moved from one Florida homestead to another within the last three years, you may be eligible to take some of your SOH savings with you. When to file: Application for all exemptions must be made between January 1 and March 1 of the tax year. How to file homestead tax exemption - Miami Dade County ; Florida Homestead Exemption 2024 - Everything You Need To Know About. All legal Florida residents are eligible to apply for homestead exemption on homes, condos, coop apartments, and certain mobile home lots. If you're planning to claim a homestead exemption, you must first apply for a Florida driver's license. Construction or reconstruction must be substantially complete before January 1st of the year in which the reduction is requested. You must file a new application for your new residence.