The Property Appraiser mails Homestead Exemption application forms and qualification guidelines to persons who bought homes during the current year. No information is available for this page.The social security number will be used to verify taxpayer identity and homestead exemption information submitted to property appraisers. Continued on page 2. To qualify for the exemption, you must be a permanent resident of Florida, and the home must be your primary residence. The deadline for filing for exemptions is March 1st. Exemption forms are available from the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser's Office. 9. Save thousands on property taxes! The MiamiDade County Office of the Property Appraiser is actively accepting 2023 property exemption benefits applications until March 1, 2023. You should complete all required forms and applica ons for the exemp on and file them with your county property appraiser.