For an example, here is the website for Broward County which explains completing the Declaration of Domicile form. You must file the Transfer of Homestead Assessment Difference Form DR-501T with the homestead application Form DR-501 for your new home.Net or at the Broward County Property Appraiser office (BCPA) located at 115 South Andrews Avenue. F. Owner must submit proof of financial capability. G. The application package must be complete. There are several ways to complete your exemption application. The due date to file these forms with your county property appraiser's office is March 1 of the first year after you have moved. Fill in the blank Quitclaim Deed form formatted to comply with all Florida recording and content requirements. Flint returned to a Detroit-area water supplier in fall 2015. Eligibility: Doctor must fill out a medical form and state client is eligible for adult day care.