Please Note: Please ensure you have the Form 458 Instructions for more information on properly completing this application. Nebraska Homestead Exemption.Nebraska Homestead Exemption Application, Form 458. To apply for property tax relief while on active duty, complete Application for Property Tax Relief During Active Military Service, Form 2700. A statebystate guide to VA property tax exemptions, deductions and credits available to former service members with VA disability ratings. If you're a veteran moving to a different state, you'll want to know what exemptions you'll have to look forward to. Learn more in this post. To get an exemption on your property taxes, you will have to submit an affidavit to the Michigan Department of Treasury. For the past 20 years, the number of veterans in the United States has been dropping. The Nebraska Homestead Exemption program is a property tax relief program for qualified individuals who own a home in Nebraska.