Check List – Fill out the Homestead Declaration Form completely, sign it and have it notarized. The Homestead Benefit program provides property tax relief to eligible homeowners.This local option prevents any large shift of the property tax burden to the residential class of property owners after a revaluation. The Tax Collector is responsible for the billing, collection and recording of all taxes and utilities levied upon the properties in the Borough. Enter the appropriate fourdigit number in the boxes provided on your Homestead Benefit application. To declare your property a Homestead, you must fill out the Declaration of Homestead form, and record it with the Registry of Deeds for your County district. Return the certification statement no later than 30 days from the date of the letter to the address provided in the letter. An Act concerning the application deadline for the homestead property tax reimbursement and amending P.L.1997, c.348. There are two education tax rates: homestead and nonhomestead. Bills may show one or both rates.