1. Fill out the court forms, following all of the steps in these instructions. 2. The information you fill out on the caption must match the information from your existing family case.Of the court to change the place of trial in the cases specified in section 542.11, clauses (1), (3), and (4). When the court has ordered a change of venue, it shall require the accused,, if the offence is bailable, to enter into a recognizance, with good and suffi-. 1 (Grounds for Change of Venue) permits a change of venue upon motion of the defendant or prosecution, or on the court's initiative. Making changes to a document that has already been filed with the court is called amending the document. The change itself is called an amendment. A motion for a change of venue is a legal request for a party to transfer the case from one location to another. 1. Fill out a motion to change venue. Instructions and samples are in the "Sample Motion to Change Venue" section of this fact sheet.