Obtaining a veterans exemption is not automatic – If you're an eligible veteran, you must submit the initial exemption application form to your assessor. No information is available for this page.Application for Alternative Veterans Exemption From Real Property Taxation. The town participates in several tax exemption programs. Those living in Nassau County who suffer from disabilities and are on limited incomes may be eligible for a property tax exemption. Renewals. An annual renewal application must be filed in a timely manner with the Nassau County Department of Assessment in order to continue the exemption. Does anyone know if the alternative veterans tax exemption in Nassau county, NY applies to us? Obviously, will reach out to the tax assessors office. Renewals. An annual renewal application must be filed in a timely manner with the Nassau County Department of Assessment in order to continue the exemption. Does anyone know if the alternative veterans tax exemption in Nassau county, NY applies to us?