Principal Residence Required: The Homestead Exemption in New York only applies to the debtor's primary residence. File a Declaration of Florida Domicile in your county official records, indicating you intend to be a Florida resident.Establish homestead. The application must be filed no later than ten years after the levy of taxes upon the assessment roll on which the renounced exemption appears. The deadline to file any exemptions for the 2025 tax year is March 1, 2025. You cannot transfer your homestead exemption when you move from a previous Florida homestead to a new Florida homestead. All legal Florida residents are eligible for a Homestead Exemption on their homes, condominiums, co-op apartments, and certain mobile home lots if they qualify. If you file for bankruptcy, your property may not have protection unless you've resided in the property for 40 months or more. The protection attaches the day of occupancy with the intent to make it the permanent Florida homestead. There are no papers to file, no forms to fill out.