The statutory timely filing period is January 1 through March 1. Determine your home's current market value.It is a local option to establish two separate property tax rates: a lower tax rate for residential property owners. Every single Florida resident homeowner qualifies for a homestead exemption the property taxes of their primary residence. Property owners in Florida may be eligible for exemptions and additional benefits that can reduce their property tax liability. Homestead Exemption and additional exemptions for seniors, veterans, widows and more may apply to your real estate property. Submit all applications and documentation to the property appraiser in the county where the property is located. ALERT: IF YOU MISSED THE DEADLINE FOR THE HOMESTEAD TAX EXEMPTION FILING OF MARCH 1st, OR YOUR APPEAL DEADLINE, CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY! In order to keep your homestead exemption, the trust would have to give you a present possessory interest in the property (i.e.