The due date to file these forms with your county property appraiser's office is March 1 of the first year after you have moved. One certainly can not claim a homestead exemption as a Florida resident and then a STAR exemption as a New York resident.Determine your home's current market value. In order to apply for homestead exemption, the following documents are needed: Recorded deed or tax bill in your name. File an application for a homestead exemption on your Florida residence. Execute estate planning documents that reflect Florida as your place of residence. To qualify for Homestead Exemption (F. You must file the Transfer of Homestead Assessment Difference Form DR-501T with the homestead application Form DR-501 for your new home. Proof of ownership of your property in the form of a copy of a tax bill or your deed. Duplex – If you are receiving income from part of the property, only the part which is your primary residence may receive the Homestead Exemption.