AV-10 Application is for property classified and excluded from the tax base under North Carolina General Statute. The application deadline for the homestead tax relief programs is June 1."What are the benefits? A state property tax exemption where elderly or disabled homeowners are permitted to reduce the taxable value of their homes. The Homestead Circuit Breaker requires a new application to be submitted every year. You may be qualified for the Homestead Exemption if you are at least 65 years of age on January 1 of the tax year in which you wish to claim the exemption. The dwelling may be a single family residence, a unit in a multi-family complex, or a manufactured home. Q: Do I have to apply in person? If you are disabled but not elderly, your doctor will also have to fill out a form. Must be 65 years of age or be totally and permanently disabled as of January 1st of the year of application.