NCDVA-9 Certification of Disabled Veteran's for Property Tax Exclusion under North Carolina General Statute 105-277.1C Disabled veteran. Applicants must file Form AV-9 (Application for Property Tax Relief) as well as Form NCDVA-9 (Certification of Veteran Disability) to qualify.Each eligible owner may receive benefits under either the Elderly or Disabled Exclusion or the Disabled. Application deadline is June 1. All AV-9 applications (Applications for Property Tax Relief) must be filed no later than June 1st of each year. Active duty, non-resident military personnel may be exempt from personal property taxes in North Carolina. If in receipt of DIC, a surviving spouse of a disabled veteran may also qualify for a tax exemption. An honorably discharged disabled veteran; a NC resident. The disabled veteran's unmarried surviving spouse may also claim this tax exclusion.