Complete Sections 1 and 2 of the NCDVA-9 Form. The Veterans Service Officer will complete Section 4. 5.Veterans determined totally or permanently disabled from wartime may receive a property tax exemption on their home and land up to five acres. If you're a veteran moving to a different state, you'll want to know what exemptions you'll have to look forward to. Learn more in this post. NCDVA-9 Certification of Disabled Veteran's for Property Tax Exclusion under North Carolina General Statute 105-277.1C Disabled veteran. This application is for use in claiming a property tax exemption pursuant to Tax Code. A statebystate guide to VA property tax exemptions, deductions and credits available to former service members with VA disability ratings. Applicants must file Form AV-9 (Application for Property Tax Relief) as well as Form NCDVA-9 (Certification of Veteran Disability) to qualify.