This request for a new district office (change of venue) shall be granted for good cause, thus the reason(s) for the move should be specified on the form. A motion is a formal request, made in writing, asking the court for a specific action.The written motion must be filed with the Oakland County Clerk's Office. Your Motion to Change Venue package should include: 1. When people who are in removal proceedings need to change the location of their Court from one city to another they need to file a motion to change venue. To move your case to another court, you must make a "Motion to. To view or print these files you need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader or other PDF reader. You should start with filing a request to change venue setting forth all the reasons why you think the case should be moved. Complete the proposed order form (caption only), per the included instructions. 4. The Petition and Order to Change Venue is a State Court Administrative Office form.