FOR COUNTY AUDITOR'S USE ONLY: Taxing district and parcel or registration number. Auditor's application number.Complete and submit form DTE 105A (and DTE 105G to confirm your grandfather status, if applicable) beginning in January of the year after you move. The Homestead Program is designed to provide tax credit relief to citizens who are at least 65 years of age or permanently and totally disabled. I think I qualify; how do I apply? Disability exemptions must include a Certificate of Disability Form (DTE 105E) or other available certifications. Disability exemptions must include a Certificate of Disability form (DTE105E) or other available certifications. To apply for the Homestead Exemption please fill out the application and mail it to our office at 231 Main Street. , Suite 1A, Chardon, Ohio 44024. In order to be exempt from the income test, the homeowner must have received the homestead exemption credit in Ohio in tax year 2013. Definitions.