To claim exempt, write EXEMPT under line 4c. If you are exempt from federal withholding, you don't have to do much on the form.If not filing EXEMPT, follow the IRS W4 instructions for completing the W4 form. To ask your employer to withhold an additional amount each pay period, complete lines 3, 4, and 5 on Form IT-2104, as applicable. Use the free New Jersey Online Filing Service to file your 2024 NJ-1040 return. It's simple and easy to follow the instructions, complete your NJ tax return,. Complete Form W-4 so that your employer can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay. If your payroll includes employees who claim to be exempt, require them to fill out new W-4 forms annually. These are electronic federal tax forms, equivalent to a paper 1040 and are designed for taxpayers who are comfortable filling out IRS tax forms. You must complete a W-4 form for Payroll Management Services to determine how much income tax to withhold from each paycheck.