Exemption applications must be filed with your local assessor's office. See our Municipal Profiles for your local assessor's mailing address.In bankruptcy, a homestead exemption protects equity in your home. Here, you'll find specific information about the homestead exemption in New York. Your exemptions may be automatically renewed each year, in January, as long as title does not change on the property and your residency status remains the same. We are unable to accept online filings. In addition, the Assessor sends an application to every new homeowner pre-filled with information that identifies the property and the sales transaction. An Estate of Homestead is a type of protection for a person's residence, in the form of a document called a Declaration of Estate of Homestead. The most common real property exemption is the homestead exemption. Optional: Declaration of Domicile filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court prior to January 1st of the year of application.