Homeowners should contact their county assessment office (position 48) for a copy of their county's homestead and farmstead application form. HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: Click here to file for Homestead Exemption online Note: requires Internet Explorer 5.0 or newer.Contact your local property appraiser if you have questions about your exemption. File the signed application for exemption with the county property appraiser. Portability gives a property owner the ability to move from one homestead to another homestead and not be taxed out of that homestead. The filing deadline is March 1, of tax year. Net or at the Broward County Property Appraiser office (BCPA) located at 115 South Andrews Avenue. The Homestead Exemption reduces the taxable portion of your property assessment if you own your primary residence in Philadelphia. The exemption is not automatic. Reminder to apply for homestead exemptions!