Homeowners should contact their county assessment office (position 48) for a copy of their county's homestead and farmstead application form. The filing deadline for qualified applicants to receive consideration for a Homestead exemption for property taxes is March 1.To receive a homestead or farmstead exclusion, a Pennsylvania resident must submit an application to the county assessor prior to March 1. The homestead exemption provides a reduction in property taxes to qualified senior or disabled citizens, or a surviving spouse. The homestead exemp- tion provides a reduction in property taxes to qualified senior or disabled citizens, or a surviving spouse, on the dwelling that is that. To cancel your exemption, complete the Homestead Change or Removal form online in the Philadelphia Tax Center. This can provide asset protection from creditors for at least some of house's value. You can't enroll in LOOP and the Homestead Exemption at the same time.