Description: Use this form to apply for the Homestead Exemption on your Real Estate Tax. Released: January 16, 2024, Format: PDF.Homeowners should contact their county assessment office (position 48) for a copy of their county's homestead and farmstead application form. HOW TO APPLY: You can apply for the Homestead Exemption online using the Philadelphia Tax Center (must have an account). To qualify for the Homestead Exemption, statements 1, 2 and 3 must be true. But you must act fast: the deadline to apply is this Thursday, December 1. If you would like a certified copy of this license, please click the "Order Certified Copy" button. Conditioning on the housing collateral ratio makes the consumption correlation puzzle less puzzling. §868.11 Fair and reasonable wage rates for persons employed in the production, cultivation, or harvesting o sugarcane in the Virgin Islands. Receive homestead exemptions or other forms of property tax relief.