Obtaining a veterans exemption is not automatic – If you're an eligible veteran, you must submit the initial exemption application form to your assessor. The Veterans Exemption helps veterans and their family members reduce their property taxes.To be eligible, the property must be your primary residence. A disabled veteran receives an exemption of the property's assessed value times 50 percent of the veteran's disability rating. New York offers special benefits for service members, Veterans and their families including property tax exemptions, New York National Guard tuition assistance. The law also provides an additional exemption to disabled veterans equal to one-half of their service-connected disability ratings. There are three different property tax exemptions available to veterans who own real property. A veteran is anyone who served in the. The application packets linked below include all relevant forms and instructions needed to apply for each type of exemption. DISABILITY EXEMPTION Owner of real property who has a physical or mental impairment and must have documented evidence of their disability.