In 1862, Congress passed the revolutionary Homestead Act that sent thousands of Americans west in pursuit of free land. What was the history leading up to the 1862 Homestead Act?As the United States emerged as a new nation in the late 18th century, it accumulated title to land. The Homestead Declaration must be recorded with the County Recorder to be valid. Unlike most states, Alaska does not impose an acreage limit for homestead exemptions. Homesteading originated with President Lincoln signing the original Homestead. Act on May 20, 1862. Cook County has identified the real and potential effects of homestead exemptions as an issue in the administration of its property tax system. The North American Aerospace Defense Command conducts aerospace warning, aerospace control and maritime warning in the defense of North America. History: Established in the Office of Education, Department of the Interior, pursuant to provisions of the act of May 17, 1884 (23 Stat.