Disabled applicants must complete form DTE 105E,. In 1970, Ohio voters approved a constitutional amendment permitting a homestead exemption that reduced property tax for lower income senior citizens.2. What kind of property tax savings will I receive? A Note From the Auditor. This is a statewide program which reduces the property tax burden of qualified senior citizens and permanently and totally disabled homeowners. The claim form, BOE-266, Claim for Homeowners' Property Tax Exemption, is available from the county assessor. 1 For estate planning purposes, I placed the title to my property in a trust. Can I still receive the homestead exemption? The Homestead Exemption provides qualified disabled veterans, or a surviving spouse, a reduction in property taxes on the dwelling. RIVERBEND OF MAUMEE LLC AN OHIO LIMITED, 0 RIVERSIDE COMMONS R. TAX YEAR: 2024, STATUS: Active.