Application for Exemption Instructions Details on how to fill out and mail your Property Taxation Exemption Form , PDF: Application for Exemption Property Tax. Utah law requires that you notify the county when you have property on which you have claimed the homeowner's exemption to which you are no longer entitled.In order proceed to the Residential Exemption form, please enter your parcel ID number and PIN that was supplied in the notification letter. The Salt Lake County Auditor's Office has designed a public web Portal to facilitate the Property Tax Exemption application and annual renewal process. Homeowners and mobile homeowners must submit a completed application to their local county government by. We are committed to offering programs that preserve our housing stock, make home ownership affordable, and eliminate substandard homes from our communities. Basically, a homestead exemption allows a homeowner to protect the value of her principal residence from creditors and property taxes. Home Buyer Programs. Our Homebuyer waitlist is currently full. Mortgage companies begin to submit parcels for tax information.