The following pages and forms give helpful tax information for retirees and seniors. A user account on the Portal will allow organizations to review and manage tax exemption applications from year to year in a single, centralized environment.These typically include proof of income, proof of age or disability, a copy of your most recent tax bill, and residency documentation. An individual is entitled to a homestead exemption consisting of property in this state in an amount not exceeding: In order proceed to the Residential Exemption form, please enter your parcel ID number and PIN that was supplied in the notification letter. Utah has a decadesold tax relief program known as Circuit Breaker. It's geared for low-income homeowners and renters in Utah 66 years of age and older. Homestead application papers are good sources of genealogical and family history information. Application papers often mention family members or neighbors. Get free legal advice and find a free or lowcost lawyer.