An individual is entitled to a homestead exemption consisting of property in this state in an amount not exceeding: Instead, the decedent's successor fills out the form, signs it before a notary, and gives it to any third parties, such as the bank.Property tax forms, publications, and instructions. Settlers and their decedents often refer to their entries under other public land laws or that were purchased from third-parties like railroads as homesteads. Most homeowners in Utah qualify for a homestead exemption on their property taxes. This web page has information about your rights if your property is being garnished. Use these instructions to fill out Boxes 6, 7, and refer to these instructions for information about voter eligibility and any oath required for Box 9. Informal probate is the process for asking the court to appoint a personal representative for a decedent's estate without a hearing. Typically, you'll need to fill out a homestead exemption application with your county tax office. There is no political party registration requirement in Michigan Election Law.