Disabled applicants must complete form DTE 105E,. Now you can file for the Homestead Exemption using our NEW SmartFile Paperless web-based filing system!Lake County Homestead Exemption. A homestead exemption application form ("DTE 105A") is available from the Ohio Department of Taxation. Application for Exemption Instructions Details on how to fill out and mail your Property Taxation Exemption Form , PDF: Application for Exemption Property Tax. Q: How do I qualify for Homestead Exemption? A: You may qualify for reduced water and sewer rates under the Homestead Exemption. A quitclaim deed in Ohio, like in numerous jurisdictions, is a statutory document used to transfer legal interest in real property from one person to another. If you donated to a nonprofit at one of our locations, you are able to access an electronic copy of our nonprofit partners' tax receipt below.