Application for Exemption Instructions Details on how to fill out and mail your Property Taxation Exemption Form , PDF: Application for Exemption Property Tax. To claim the exemption, the homeowner must make a one-time filing with the county assessor where the property is located.In order proceed to the Residential Exemption form, please enter your parcel ID number and PIN that was supplied in the notification letter. The Salt Lake County Auditor's Office has designed a public web Portal to facilitate the Property Tax Exemption application and annual renewal process. Most residences in Utah receive the exemption. Complete a homestead declaration form. File for a primary residence exemption with the county assessor to potentially qualify for property tax savings. ❑. To get a homestead exemption, you typically have to apply for one, and every state has its own process. The Homestead laws in the State of Utah are presently very favorable to Debtors. New owners automatically receive an exemption claim form in the mail; there is no cost to file for the exemption.