It is advisable to go into the assessor's office and apply for homestead exemption as soon as you purchase and occupy your home. Applications for exemptions must be submitted to the Bexar Appraisal District.This exemption applies to all homeowners. To file for Homestead Exemption, contact the Tax Assessor's Office at (985) 652-5311. When is the deadline to pay my taxes? To apply for a Homestead Exemption online, you need to provide electronic copies of the documents listed below. In this video we're gonna show you how to fill out your homestead exemption. Electronic copy of your ID (driver's license or state ID). Address on the ID must match the address of the property for which the exemption is being applied. If you are a homeowner in San Antonio and fail to file for a homestead exemption, you will miss out on valuable property tax savings.