Applications for exemptions must be submitted to the Bexar Appraisal District. Bexar County Appraisal District representatives will also be present and answer your individual questions and help you complete your exemption form.For information on values, to file for an exemption, or to report changes in ownership or address, please call the Appraisal District at 210-224-2432. AV-10 Application is for property classified and excluded from the tax base under North Carolina General Statute. Submit an exemption application along with a current letter from the Social Security Administration stating the effective date of your disability. The general deadline for filing an exemption application is before May 1. A tax exemption is available for designated local landmarks and properties within local historic districts that under go a substantial rehabilitation. Certain exemptions may also require Form 50-114-A. The exemptions apply only to property that you own and occupy as your principal place of residence. Tax Exempt Organization Search.