No information is available for this page. You just do a Request for Order (FL300) and request a change of venue.Attach a declaration with the facts of the move and your ex being out of the State. This request for a new district office (change of venue) shall be granted for good cause, thus the reason(s) for the move should be specified on the form. A defendant and his or her defense attorney can request a change of venue of the case if there is undue publicity surrounding the case and the defendant. To get a change of venue in a California family law case, you must file a motion for change of venue with the court where your case is currently filed. To request a jurisdiction change, you must file a motion known as a request for order (Form FL-300) with the family law courthouse in your county. In the event a party wants to ask for a change of venue, they must file a motion with the court. I am seeking to file a motion for change of venue from one division in San Diego County (Vista) to another (San Diego). Venue would be proper in the Northern District of California.