Homeowners should contact their county assessment office (position 48) for a copy of their county's homestead and farmstead application form. To qualify for the homeowners' exemption, the home must have been the principal residence of the owner as of January 1 of that tax year.The State Controller's Property Tax Postponement Program allows homeowners who are 62 and over and who meet other requirements to file for a postponement. To receive a homestead or farmstead exclusion, a Pennsylvania resident must submit an application to the county assessor prior to March 1. To claim the exemption, the homeowner must make a one-time filing with the county assessor where the property is located. A paper application with your name on it. Write "Tangled Title" at the top of the application. It's referred to as head of household exemption. If known, fill in the parcel number of the property for which you are seeking a homestead exclusion.