You just do a Request for Order (FL300) and request a change of venue. Looking to transfer a family law case to another county?Learn how to file a motion for change of venue and move your case to another California court. Customer: I am seeking to file a motion for change of venue from one division in San Diego County (Vista) to another (San Diego). For example, they can assist you administratively and procedurally but are not able to act as your lawyer or give you legal advice. When a translation is complete, you assume the risk of any inaccuracies, errors or other problems encountered. We filed a motion to change venue for our client based on the above grounds. To request a jurisdiction change, you must file a motion known as a request for order (Form FL-300) with the family law courthouse in your county. The recommendation is termination of jurisdiction in a dependency case and child custody orders (exit orders) for Family Court are needed. Every case must be heard in the proper venue, but not every court is the best for your case.