What form do I need to fill out to request a change of Venue in California Family Law Court in Santa Clara county? When sending documents to a district office, please make sure they are not folded or stapled.Send them in a large manila envelope. An application for a change of venue must be filed at least 10 days before the date set for trial. I want to request a change of venue on a speeding ticket I received nearly a month ago is this possible without mailing. To move your case to another court, you must make a "Motion to. Your Motion to Change Venue package must be in English! Remember that while Pro Se Motion To Change Venue Immigration, sharing copyrighted material without permission is not legal. I was wondering if you know the exact process for filing a motion for change of venue in a case that has been closed. If you do not have a name, call the department or human resources to find out to whom your letter should be addressed.