1. When did you acquire this property? To claim the exemption, the homeowner must make a one-time filing with the county assessor where the property is located.To qualify for the homeowners' exemption, the home must have been the principal residence of the owner as of January 1 of that tax year. If you desire to claim an exemption, please fill out the Business Tax Exemption Form (must have active business tax account to apply). GENERAL INFORMATION: Property owners applying for a residence homestead exemption file this form and supporting documentation with the appraisal district in. Many California families are forgetting to claim a common homeowner tax break. Page form can get you your discount. You can also get a California homestead exemption on property taxes, in which you're taxed on the value of your home minus the exemption amount. The following exemption codes represent a partial listing of all exemptions. The complete Business Tax Ordinance can be reviewed here.