This local option prevents any large shift of the property tax burden to the residential class of property owners after a revaluation. Exemption applications must be filed with your local assessor's office.See our Municipal Profiles for your local assessor's mailing address. Q: How can I get my current property tax bill? Below please find the Declaration of Homestead forms, a Simple Guide to the Massachusetts Homestead Act, and brochures in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. Town, School and County taxes are payable to the local Tax Receiver in each Town from December 1st to and including May 31st. This web page is to make homeowners in the Town of Smithtown aware of several Real Property Tax Exemptions that are currently available. Return the certification statement no later than 30 days from the date of the letter to the address provided in the letter. No email or faxed applications will be accepted. This assessment applies only to school district taxes.