Obtaining a veterans exemption is not automatic – If you're an eligible veteran, you must submit the initial exemption application form to your assessor. Q: How can I apply for the veterans' exemption?Applications can be filed beginning December 2, 2024 through March 1, 2025. Beginning January 1, 2021, if you are a Disabled Veteran, your Personal Property tax on one motor vehicle may be exempt per Virginia Code §58.1-3668. Applications can be filed beginning December 2, 2024 through March 1, 2025. Q: How can I get my current property tax bill? The Commonwealth of Virginia exempts from taxation the real property, including the joint real property of husband and wife, of any veteran. 458a, YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE COLD WAR VETERANS EXEMPTION. Taxpayers who use their Southampton Town property as their primary residence may be allowed to exempt a portion of their home's value from taxation. Property Tax Forms and Guides.