The homestead exemption and Save Our Homes assessment limitation help thousands of Florida homeowners save money on their property taxes every year. A general residential homestead exemption is available to taxpayers who own and reside at a property as of January 1 st of the year.What is Required When Filing for Homestead Exemption? To qualify for this exemption, the applicant must be a permanent resident of Florida as of January 1st of the application year. The deadline to file for homestead exemption is March 1st of the current tax year. If you own your home, reside there permanently and are a Florida resident as of January 1, you may qualify for homestead exemption. The protection attaches the day of occupancy with the intent to make it the permanent Florida homestead. There are no papers to file, no forms to fill out. All legal Florida residents are eligible for a Homestead Exemption on their homes, condominiums, co-op apartments, and certain mobile home lots if they qualify. By law, a homestead exemption is not transferable.