Applications can be mailed to or dropped off at the Forsyth County Board of Tax Assessors office or either of the Tax Commissioners Offices listed above. Utah law requires that you notify the county when you have property on which you have claimed the homeowner's exemption to which you are no longer entitled.Most residences in Utah receive the exemption. Calculate how much you'll pay in property taxes on your home, given your location and assessed home value. The proposed amendment authorized the state legislature to implement a statewide local-option homestead exemption from ad valorem taxes. A real property mobile home is taxed with the land and may qualify for a homestead exemption. Davis County offers several tax relief programs. If all of the qualifications are meet these programs could reduce or abate the real or personal property taxes. Under the amendment, counties, consolidated governments, municipalities, or local school systems could choose to opt out of the homestead exemption.