Illinois veterans and persons with disabilities may be eligible for tax relief through the property tax homestead exemptions and mobile home exemptions. If you're a veteran moving to a different state, you'll want to know what exemptions you'll have to look forward to.Learn more in this post. A statebystate guide to VA property tax exemptions, deductions and credits available to former service members with VA disability ratings. Find Utah military and veterans benefits information on state taxes, education, employment, parks and recreation, and VA facility locations. Exemption: Disabled veterans can receive an annual reduction in the equalized assessed value (EAV) of their primary residence. If you're a veteran applying for the exemption, you must fill out the Property Tax Exemption Application for Qualifying Disabled Veterans form. Applicants must file a Form PTAX-341, Application for Returning Veterans' Homestead Exemption, with the Chief County Assessment Office. Bill Title: Amends the Property Tax Code. What States Have Property Tax Exemptions for Disabled Veterans?