There is no homestead exemption in Virginia. A lot of the homes in Fairfax are on lots with RPA buffers.To help prevent payment of taxes to multiple states on the same income, Virginia law provides a credit for taxes paid to another state. This can provide asset protection from creditors for at least some of house's value. Gov or call 252.475.5854. You may be qualified for the Homestead Exemption if you are at least 65 years of age on January 1 of the tax year in which you wish to claim the exemption. After completing the return of the other state, complete your North Carolina return and include all income from inside and outside the State. Domiciliary Residents: Individuals whose state of legal residence in the technical sense is Virginia are domiciliary residents. The amount of the appraised value of the permanent residence and up to a one (1) acre homesite may be excluded from taxation. 2022 Application for Property Tax Relief. Documents.