You must file with the county or city where your home is located. Each county has different applications and required documents.Most counties require that you must have owned and occupied the property as of January 1st and complete the homestead exemption application in your county. The proposed amendment authorized the state legislature to implement a statewide local-option homestead exemption from ad valorem taxes. You can now apply for Homestead Exemption online! Click this link here, enter in your specific property information to pull up your precise account. Estimated Tax. School-Oper. School-Bond. County-Oper. County-Bond. Fire-Oper. A real property mobile home is taxed with the land and may qualify for a homestead exemption. A bill to be entitled an Act to provide for a homestead exemption from Forsyth County school district ad valorem taxes for educational purposes. House key in the door. Elections.