Property tax exemptions and deferrals. Note: These programs are only available to individuals whose primary residence is located in the State of Washington.UBI number: Federal Employer Identification Number: Does your organization currently have a property tax exemption on any property in Washington? Click "View More Options" under the "Real Property" tile, then select "Submit a Homestead Deduction Application" under "Real Property Quick Links. You may be eligible if you have limited income and you're at least 61 years old in the year you apply for the exemption. The Exemption Division is responsible for the administration of various programs available to property owners to help reduce property taxes. Deferrals. You may qualify for a deferral of your property tax liability if: You are 60 or older, or retired because of physical disability. Cancellation form should be filed within 30 days of the date that you move from your property, the ownership changes, or you change your principal residence. If you are a senior citizen or a person with disabilities with your residence in Washington State you may qualify for a property tax reduction. Find out if you qualify for a property tax deferral.