UBI number: Federal Employer Identification Number: Does your organization currently have a property tax exemption on any property in Washington? Findings—2021 c 290: "The legislature finds that the homestead exemption is intended to protect the homeowner's equity in a home against unsecured creditors.SB 5408 will raise the homestead exemption to the county median sale price. Click here to learn what the new exemption amounts will be in your county. You may be eligible if you have limited income and you're at least 61 years old in the year you apply for the exemption. If you are a senior citizen or a person with disabilities with your residence in Washington State you may qualify for a property tax reduction. Exemption income levels increasing in 2024. You must own your home for which the exemption is claimed in the year before the taxes to be exempted are due. Judgments for any part of the sale price of the personal property. Collection for federal student loan debts.